
Governor Announces Cooling Assistance to Help Individuals with Heat-Related Health Issues

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  29. April 2014

Albany, NY - April 28, 2014 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that $3 million is being made available to provide air conditioners to eligible low-income New Yorkers with documented medical conditions that are exacerbated by extreme heat. The Cooling Assistance Component of the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) will begin May 1.

“As another hot summer draws closer, the State is helping New Yorkers in need remain safe and cool in their homes,” Governor Cuomo said. “The Home Energy Assistance Program is a critical resource for low-income New Yorkers with medical needs to get air conditioning and maintain a healthy living environment. I encourage any eligible families in need to apply today.”

“This program will help provide relief from the oppressive summer heat for some of New York State’s most vulnerable individuals, including senior citizens and children with illnesses that are aggravated by high temperatures,” Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance Commissioner Kristin M. Proud said. “I encourage households in need of this assistance to apply soon so the air conditioning units can be installed before the higher temperatures arrive.”

OTDA has set aside $3 million in HEAP funding to provide air conditioning units to eligible households statewide. To qualify, households must meet 2013-14 HEAP income guidelines and have a household member that suffers from a documented medical condition exacerbated by extreme heat. Written documentation from a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner clearly indicating the need for an air conditioner is required and must be dated within the previous 12 months.

HEAP cooling assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis beginning May 1. Local departments of social services will be accepting applications for assistance. To find out how to contact your local department of social services, please click here.

2013-14 HEAP Income Eligibility Guidelines

Household Size

Maximum Gross Monthly Income























Each additional

Add $503

New York residents can also check if they may be eligible for SNAP, and numerous other programs and benefits, by answering a few questions online at myBenefits.ny.gov.

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