Howitt Middle School Student-Musicians Perform at the New York State Capitol in Albany
Farmingdale, NY - April 30, 2018 - Over one hundred and fifty Howitt Middle School student-musicians and their parents recently traveled to Albany for Music in our Schools Month. The trip is an annual event that promotes music education and lobbies for school funding.
Organized by NYSSMA, (New York State School Musicians Association) student-musicians from all over the state perform three times a day in the South Concourse of the Capitol during the month of March. The Howitt sixth-grade band, concert choir, and select orchestra sang and played for an audience of local politicians.
"It was an honor to perform in our State's Capitol to promote music education in New York State,” said Music Teacher Erica Hartmann who accompanied the students. We are very proud of the music programs we have in Farmingdale and are thrilled to offer our students the opportunity to showcase their talents in Albany. Our hope is that everyone values music education as much as we do here in Farmingdale.”