Lawrence Man Arrested for DWI with Underage Child in Vehicle, Officials Report

NCPD: Carlos F. Ruiz-Mendoza, 42, was driving drunk with a 13 year old passenger in the back seat.

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NCPD report the arrest of Carlos F. Ruiz-Mendoza of Lawrence, 42, for DWI (Leandra’s Law).

Photo by: Nassau County Police Department

Oceanside, NY - April 30, 2018 - The Nassau County Police report the arrest of a Lawrence man for Driving While Intoxicated (Leandra’s Law) that occurred on Sunday, April 29, 2018 at 2:45 A.M.  in Oceanside.
According to Police, the defendant Carlos F. Ruiz-Mendoza, 42, was driving a 2003 Acura northbound on Lawson Blvd. with a front seat female passenger and a 13 year old male passenger in the back seat. Defendant was unable to maintain his travel lane and a car stop was conducted. An investigation revealed the defendant was operating under the influence of alcohol. Both passenger occupants were released to the custody of a relative.
Defendant Ruiz-Mendoza is charged with Aggravated DWI under Leandra’s Law, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Driving While Intoxicated and several Vehicle and Traffic Law violations. He will be arraigned on April 29, 2018 at First District Court, 99 Main Street, Hempstead.
A criminal charge is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.