
Nassau Executive Curran Recognizes Tara Carlo of Long Beach as Social Services Employee of the Month

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  01. May 2018

Mineola, NY - May 1, 2018 - Nassau County Executive Laura Curran presented a Citation to Tara Carlo of the Department of Social Services (DSS) for being named DSS Employee of the Month. Ms. Carlo has been a Nassau County DSS employee for 31 years and is a Case Supervisor II in the Adoption Unit. Deputy Commissioner Paul F. Broderick also joined in congratulating Tara on this prestigious accomplishment.
“I thank and commend Ms. Carlo for her dedication and hard work in providing knowledgeable assistance and service to the residents of Nassau County that visit Social Services for many of their needs,” said County Executive Laura Curran. 
The Department of Social Services is committed to strengthening and preserving families by providing financial assistance and services to residents of Nassau County in accordance with state and federal regulations and laws. DSS is dedicated to providing quality service and maintaining the dignity and respect of those they serve. Specifically, the department is responsible for providing aid to eligible recipients through the Family Assistance, Safety Net, Day Care, Employment, Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly called food stamps), Medicaid, and Home Energy Assistance Programs. DSS is also responsible for initial child support obligations of a legally responsible individual through the Family Court, to collect support payments, and enforce and modify existing support orders, and to protect children, adults, and families by enforcing the mandates of New York State Social Services Law.

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