Woodbury, NY - May 2nd, 2013 - More than 150 Nassau and Suffolk school administrators and executives from K-12 schools, school districts and institutions of higher education, members of the law enforcement community and government representatives gathered at The Long Island School Safety Forum – Protecting Our Schools with Security Best Practices to focus on school security issues.
School administrators attending this event were provided with the latest information and strategies for planning effective school security. The topics covered security best practices, maximizing security investments, emerging school security technology, funding options and challenges facing administrators. Examples of three different security and safety scenarios were presented including how to manage an intruder entering a school, strategies for handling a suspicious package delivered or left at a school, and managing a student health emergency. Also discussed were security measures for large indoor and outdoor special events.
The panel of experts shared their knowledge and answered questions. Distinguished panelists included Jeanne K. Weber, Director RIC, Eastern Suffolk BOCES; Susan A. Schnebel, Superintendent, Islip Schools; Mike Anderson, Director of Technology, Rockville Centre Schools; Donald Flynn, NYPD Retired and President Covert Investigations, Inc., and David Antar, President of A+ Technology & Security Solutions, a school technology and security integrator who works with over 200 schools and school districts. Moderating the Long Island School Security Forum was Michel Richez, former Director of Technology and Information Services for the Long Beach School District.
"After Sandy Hook, Long Island school administrators and parents have been focused on school security and how students and staff members can be better protected. Planning and training, along with the implementation of up-to-date technology, are essential elements of short and long term safety planning. Schools must invest in scalable technology that can be expected to remain viable for years. Maintaining a safe school is both a priority and a challenge for administrators. The Long Island School Safety Forum provided administrators an opportunity to hear the experts and learn more about effective security planning and budgeting," said David Antar, President of A+ Technology & Security Solutions.
For more information about best practices in school security, email Mike Richez at mrichez@theaplusgroup.com or call (631) 969-2600 ext. 2288.