
(MOSTLY) TRUE THINGS: Hit Storytelling Show Announces New Dates for Long Island & New York City

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  04. May 2017

Stony Brook, NY - May 4, 2017 - New show dates have been announced for the hit Long Island based storytelling show, (MOSTLY) TRUE THINGS. Upcoming performances include The PIT Loft on Saturday, May 13th at 6:00 pm and May 20th at The Performing Arts Studio in Port Jefferson. In honor of National Mental Health Month, the May 13th show will feature stories that deal with mental health.
All shows are hosted by the show’s creator, Jude Treder–Wolff with a rotating storytelling line-up that includes Moth Winners, award-winning playwrights, and performers from UCB, The PIT, and Second City.
(MOSTLY) TRUE THINGS is a game wrapped in a storytelling show that has played to packed houses in Long Island for the past 2 years and The PIT LOFT in New York City since 2016. The show also features a successful teen version. 
The game is this: one storyteller tells the unvarnished truth, the other 3 include carefully-crafted little white lies. The audience gets to question the storytellers, who can improvise their responses.  The audience then votes for the person they think told it straight. With some improvised story-inspired music and songs written for the show by host/creator Jude Treder-Wolff and Wells Hanley. There are prizes involved, if you can believe a thing like that. 
Saturday, May 13 at 6:00 pm
The PIT Loft
154 W 29th Street (btw 6th & 7th Ave.) - 2nd Floor
New York, NY, 10001
Subways: 1/N/R to 28th street, A/C/E/B/D/F/M to 34th street.
Tickets are $7.00 and are available at https://thepit-nyc.com/event/2017-05-13-mostly-true-things-storytelling-show.
All shows hosted by:
Jude Treder-Wolff (Storyteller, writer/performer, singer/songwriter, and the creator, and curator of (MOSTLY) TRUE THINGS. She has been featured on the hit storytelling podcast RISK! three times.)
Stories by:
  • Andrea Alton (Gotham, Comedy Cellar, solo shows The F*cking World According To Molly and Possum Creek at FringeNYC)
  • Richard Cardillo (4-time Moth story slam winner)
  • Gregory Hall (NYC comic, his solo shows Mob Rule and Comedy Mayhem played at The Creek and The Cave and QED)
  • Rob Penty (Member of the house team The Wrath/Magnet Theater, featured on the RISK! podcast and Hot Mic with Dan Savage - www.actuallyitsrobpentydotorg.com)
More info is available at www.mostlytruethings.com.
Saturday, May 20th at 7:00 pm
Performing Arts Studio
24 E. Main Street
Port Jefferson, New York, NY 11777
Tickets are $10 online, $15 at the door (cash only), and are available at www.mostlytruethings.com - Coffee press coffee, tea and/or bottled water is included in the ticket price. 
Stories by:
  • Terri Morrissey (co-founder/co-owner of The Performing Arts Studio where she teaches drama to children 7-12 in their acting academy)
  • Christy Harrington (actor, opera singer, and acupuncturist with a practice in Port Jefferson)
  • Julie Ann Korpi (Long Island native who is a children's librarian for the New York Public Library where she runs programs for all ages including improv acting games, reader’s theater, and musical learning time -www.theaterandmusicwithmissk.weebly.com)
  • Lucinda Kempe (award-winning writer who was awarded the Joseph Kelly Prize for creative writing in 2015, published in New World Writing, Frigg, the Summerset Review and the Journal Of Compressed Creative Writing. MFA candidate at Stony Brook University)
About the show’s creator/host:
Jude Treder-Wolff is a storyteller, writer/performer, singer/songwriter, and the creator, curator and host of (MOSTLY) TRUE THINGS. She has been featured on the hit storytelling podcast RISK! three times including a live performance at The Pit (The Peoples Improv Theater), and regularly performs in story slams in the New York area, including Talk Therapy, Take Two Storytelling, Now You're Talking, The Prose of Pie, and Moth slams. Her solo storytelling show Crazytown: my first psychopath was a featured selection at The 2013 Midtown International Theater Festival, the 2012 Chicago and San Francisco Fringe Festivals and had two successful runs at The Actors Theater Workshop in NYC, as well as performances at The Pit in NYC, the Charles B. Wang Center at Stonybrook University, The Examined Life Conference, and the Conservatory NJ. www.judetreder-wolff.com.
Twitter: @mostlytruethings @JuTrWolff
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mostlytruethings

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