
PSEG LI Joins Combined Heat and Power for Resiliency Accelerator

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  17. May 2016

Uniondale, NY - May 13, 2016 - Earlier this week, the Energy Department announced three new Better Buildings Accelerators and 50 new partners to help the nation seize opportunities to improve critical infrastructure in our communities.

As a partner in the Better Buildings Combined Heat and Power Resiliency, PSEG Long Island will work to support and expand the consideration of combined heat and power technologies for improved efficiency and enhanced resiliency.

“Combined Heat and Power, when used in the right application, is an energy efficient technology that can enhance the resiliency of the electric grid and mitigate the impact of future storms on participating facilities,” said Michael Voltz, director of renewables and energy efficiency, PSEG Long Island at an event held at the White House, in Washington D.C.

The Better Buildings Combined Heat and Power for Resiliency Accelerator supports the President’s Climate Action Plan with a goal to accelerate investment in energy efficiency improvement projects across the country. The focus of the collaboration is to examine the perceptions and technology gaps of CHP among resiliency planners, and support the development of plans for communities to increase the adoption of CHP as a reliable, high efficiency, lower emissions electricity and thermal energy source for critical infrastructure.

“Thanks to a dedicated drive to actively create and share the best energy efficiency solutions, Better Buildings partners have dramatically cut their energy waste and saved more than a billion dollars since the Better Buildings initiative was launched five years ago,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. “As the initiative continues to grow, we are moving the nation forward by reducing energy costs and carbon emissions through energy efficiency.”

Better Buildings Accelerators were developed based on high priority issues that organizations and governments across the U.S. are actively working to solve, despite critical policy, financial and technology challenges.

In the recently-released 2016 Better Buildings Progress Update, DOE announced new partners in the Better Buildings Clean in Energy in Low Income Communities Accelerator, aiming to lower energy bills in low income communities through expanded installation of energy efficiency and distributed renewables, and the Better Buildings Wastewater Infrastructure Accelerator working with partners to strive toward a 30 percent reduction in their participating energy efficiency water resource recovery facilities and integrate at least one resource recovery measure.

As a cornerstone of the President's Climate Action Plan, the Better Buildings Initiative aims to make commercial, public, industrial, and residential buildings 20% more energy efficient over the next decade. This means saving hundreds of billions of dollars on energy bills, reducing GHG emissions, and creating thousands of jobs. Through Better Buildings, public and private sector organizations across the country are working together to share and replicate positive gains in energy efficiency.

For a detailed progress update on Better Buildings Accelerators, and for more information on partners and their energy efficiency work, visit here

PSEG Long Island operates the Long Island Power Authority’s transmission and distribution system under a 12-year contract. PSEG Long Island is a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Incorporated (NYSE:PEG), a publicly traded diversified energy company with annual revenues of approximately $10.4 billion.

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