Sayville, NY - June 1, 2015 - Suffolk Police today arrested a Bohemia woman that stole money from collection boxes at a Sayville church last month.
At the end of May, church officials noticed money had been stolen from collection boxes at St. Lawrence the Martyr, located at 240 West Main St. They installed surveillance cameras that captured video of a suspicious female entering and exiting numerous times. On May 29, church officials notified police that the thefts appeared to have occurred between May 22 and May 28.
At approximately 4:15 p.m. this afternoon, Fifth Precinct police officer Lonny Krimsky was at the church following up on the investigation when he observed the suspect from the video walking into the church. Officer Krimsky placed the suspect, Jennie Lecker, 36, under arrest when she exited the church.
Fifth Squad detectives charged Lecker, of Bohemia, with four counts of Burglary 3rd Degree and Attempted Petit Larceny. She will be held overnight at the Fifth Precinct and is scheduled to be arraigned at First District Court in Central Islip on June 2.
The investigation is continuing.
A criminal charge is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.