Rocky Point Girl Scout Troop Visits Legislator Sarah Anker
Sinai, NY, May 2013 – Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker met with Rocky Point Girl Scout Troop 1133 at her Mount Sinai office on Thursday May 30th. Topics discussed included the role of a legislator in the community, how a resolution becomes a law, and ways that the girls could get involved in their neighborhoods.
“What you do as girl scouts is very similar to what I do as a county legislator,” Anker said to the troop. “My job is to help others, and that is also one of your goals as Girl Scouts.”
The scouts of Troop 1133 are currently working on obtaining their Bronze Award, which includes 20 hours of service. The girls have been working with local animal rescue groups such as Sav-A-Pet and Baiting Hollow Farm Horse Rescue. For more information about the Girl Scouts of Suffolk County, please call 631-543-6622.
For More Information, Please Contact:
Kim Tucker