Celebrate Father’s Day with The Fresh Air Fund, Sign Up to Host a New York City Child by July 1st


This Father’s Day, we celebrate all the men in our lives and many men in Suffolk County who take on the role of Fresh Air father.

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The Fresh Air Fund is currently seeking more families to give children from New York City a Fresh Air experience this summer. Sign up by July 1st to host a Fresh Air child this August!

Long Island, NY - June 7, 2016 - This Father’s Day, we celebrate all the men in our lives and many men in Suffolk County who take on the role of Fresh Air father, as they open their hearts to New York City children through The Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly Towns Program for one to two weeks during the summer.

This Father’s Day, consider sharing the joys of playing catch barefoot on the grass and roasting s’mores by the campfire with a New York City child. The Fresh Air Fund is currently seeking more families to give children from New York City a Fresh Air experience this summer. Sign up by July 1st to host a Fresh Air child this August!

"What it really equates to is another setting at your dinner table and giving a child a an experience they might not otherwise have. When our Fresh Air child Kenneth comes to visit all we have to do is have a welcoming home for a week or two,” says host father Chris.

Each summer, close to 4,000 children visit volunteer host families in rural, suburban and small town communities along the East Coast from North Carolina to Maine and Ontario, Canada. Fresh Air children are given the opportunity to experience a world outside of New York City full of meadows to run in, streams to fish in and lakes to swim in.

Submit your application by July 1st to sign up to host a Fresh Air child this August. The Fresh Air Fund, an independent, not-for-profit agency, has provided free summer experiences to more than 1.8 million New York City children from low-income communities since 1877. To learn more about hosting a Fresh Air child this summer, please contact Mary Anne McAlonan at 631-367-1988 or visit The Fresh Air Fund online.