William Floyd High School Business Students Place at LI Business Teachers Association Competition
Mastic Beach, NY, June 12, 2014 – Three students enrolled in the William Floyd High School Business Academy received accolades at the Long Island Business Teachers Association annual Business Education Contest recently held at Commack High School. The students competed against more than 240 of their peers from 19 other schools in such competitions as accounting, business communications, business law, career and financial management, computer applications, keyboarding, math applications, sports marketing, web design and more.
The three students placed as follows: Patrick Moloney, 1st place, accounting; Kayla Heffernan, 3rd place, business law; and Matthew Carroll, 5th place, math applications. Congratulations to the students and their teachers Karen Poidomani, Korin Cloghessy and James Rugolo.
Pictured: Long Island Business Teachers Association Business Education Contest winners (l-r) Patrick Moloney, 1st place, accounting; Kayla Heffernan, 3rd place, business law; and Matthew Carrol, 5th place, math applications.