Keeping Long Islanders "Bite Free" this Summer: Ticks, Bugs and Critters

Stings or bites can be itchy and painful. To treat them, apply 1% hydrocortisone cream, which is sold over the counter.

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As the heat turns up, stings and bites from nature’s critter can be harmful. To make sure that Long Islanders stay safe this spring and summer, Dr. Martin Backer from NYU Langone Hospital -- Long Island is available to share some tips on how to prevent and treat these summer annoyances to ensure a healthy summer!  

“To prevent insect bites and stings, Long Islanders should use insect repellent when outdoors around dusk or in an area where there are lots of insects,” said Dr. Backer. “DEET products like OFF can be toxic if small children put their hand in their mouths so parents should stick to natural products that can keep the bugs away.” 

To prevent tick bites, Long Islanders should stay out of the woods as much as possible but wear long sleeves and long pants when hiking in the woods or through long grasses. 

Stings or bites can be itchy and painful. To treat them, apply 1% hydrocortisone cream, which is sold over the counter.  Bathing in oatmeal may also be helpful. Scratching the area can cause the skin to get infected so scratching as much as possible. 

Long Islanders should be seen by a medical professional after an insect bite or sting, if there are signs of a severe allergic reaction like lip swelling or breathing problems.