DEC Accepting Public Comment on Lindenhurst Waste-By-Rail Draft Permit Modification & Renewal

The public is invited to submit comments on draft permit modification and renewal by One World Recycling, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced today.

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Lindenhurst, NY - June 17, 2015 - The public is invited to submit comments on draft permit modification and renewal by One World Recycling, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced today. The public comment period for the projects runs from June 22 - July 10, 2015.

One World Recycling's current permit allows it to transport up to 370 tons per day (tpd) of construction and demolition debris and commercial waste by rail off of Long Island. A DEC emergency authorization was issued after Superstorm Sandy which allowed the facility to operate at 1,100 tpd. The permit modification will end the facility's work under the emergency authorization and will limit facility operations to 500 tpd of waste with the existing infrastructure.

Upon completion of a proposed building expansion, One World, located in Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, would be authorized to operate at a rate of 650 tpd, based on 312 days of operation in a calendar year, and at no time exceed 800 tons on any given day. Prior to issuance of the emergency authorization made necessary by Superstorm Sandy, the facility's permitted capacity was 370 tpd.

Written public comments will be accepted until the close of business on July 10, 2015. People can submit written comments by email or by regular mail to: Mark Carrara, NYSDEC, SUNY @ Stony Brook/ 50 Circle Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409.