Rep. LaLota Announces Over $1.8 Million in Additional Funding for Stony Brook Research
Today, Rep. Nick LaLota (R-Suffolk County) announced additional federal funding in the form of research grants for Stony Brook University. Through these grants, Stony Brook will receive an additional $1,8433,599 in federal funding bringing the total to $19,452,238 since January 2023, when LaLota was sworn into office.
“Stony Brook’s world-class research and development projects deserve all the funding they need. The work done at Stony Brook has changed millions of lives already and I look forward to seeing what comes next,” said LaLota. “Every day federal dollars come to Suffolk County is a good day. I’ll always fight to make sure Suffolk comes first and that Stony Brook has the resources they need to support critical research and scientific advancements.”
The following projects and programs will receive funding through these grants:
- $1,075,000 for LSAMP BD: Stony Brook University SUNY LSAMP Alliance
- $100,000 for Planning: Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 Community-scale Testbeds to Accelerate Climate Adaptation and Disaster Reduction Research
- $99,983 for Conference: International Year of Quantum (IYQ) Educational Leadership Conferences
- $398,750 for Clinical Research Related to Neurological Disorders
- $169,826 for Collaborative Research: Generation and Manipulation of Spatially Entangled States of Structured Photon Pairs with 2D Material Quantum Holograms
For a full list of grants provided to Stony Brook University programs, click HERE.