Statement From Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on the 2nd Anniversary of the Marriage Equality Act Being Signed Into Law in New York

A statement from New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo.

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Albany, NY - June 24, 2013“Two years ago today, New York State became a more just place, passing marriage equality for all couples and restoring our standing as a progressive leader in the nation. Under the Marriage Equality Act, we ensured that same-sex couples would no longer be denied the rights and benefits that they are entitled to. On that historic day, we affirmed the fundamental equality of all New Yorkers to marry the person they love, no matter their sexual orientation, under the law. And when you pass a law in New York, people notice. In the past two years, states across the nation have followed our lead and enacted marriage equality. As the fight for full equality nationwide moves forward, we will fight to ensure New York maintains its position as the leader for equal rights.”