Homeowners Can Meet with a Nassau Bar Association Attorney at No-Cost Mortgage Foreclosure Clinics


The next two clinics are scheduled for July 9 and July 23.

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Mineola, NY - June 28, 2018 - As a free community service to help those fearful of losing their homes, Nassau County Bar Association offers Free Legal Mortgage Foreclosure Consultation Clinics. Held twice a month to meet the demand, the next two clinics are scheduled for Monday, July 9 and Monday, July 23, 2018, 3 - 6 p.m., at the Nassau County Bar Association, located on 15th Street at the corner of West Street in Mineola, two blocks south of the bus and train stations.
NCBA volunteer attorneys meet one-on-one with homeowners to discuss their particular situation. Resources and agencies are available immediately in the same room for additional help for mortgage modifications, loan restructuring, bankruptcy questions and financial planning. Currently, each clinic held twice a month averages 30 - 40 homeowners, signifying that foreclosure continues to be prevalent in Nassau. 
Bi-lingual attorneys fluent in Spanish are on site. Attorneys bi-lingual in other languages, including Russian, Haitian Creole, Korean, Chinese, Hindi and  American Sign Language, may be requested when making reservations.
To make an appointment for the next free clinic, call the Bar Association at 516-747-4070.  Attendees are asked to bring their mortgage documents or other important papers and correspondence.          
NCBA's Mortgage Foreclosure Project is funded through the NYS Attorney General Homeownership Protection Program (known as HOPP) and grants. 
About the Nassau County Bar Association
Founded in 1899, the Nassau County Bar Association consists of private and public attorneys, judges, legal educators and law students who demonstrate their commitment to the community by offering a variety of services for the public, including lawyer referral services, judicial screening and public education programs, and free legal clinics on mortgage foreclosure, Sandy recovery and senior citizen issues. The Nassau Academy of Law provides continuing education for the legal community.  We Care, part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, NCBA’s charitable arm, assists children, the elderly and others in need, through countless projects and donations. For more information, call (516) 747-4070 (language translation available), email info@nassaubar.org or visit nassaubar.org.