Statement From Nassau County Executive Laura Curran On COVID-19 Pandemic
Nassau County Executive Laura Curran issued the following statemnt on the COVID-19 pendemic:
“I'm proud to share that 65.1% of the total Nassau County population has received at least one vaccine dose, compared to 51.5% statewide and 53.7% nationwide. 78.6% of adult residents (18+) have received at least one vaccine dose, compared to 68.7% statewide and 65.7% nationwide.
We've come a long way, and Nassau residents should draw pride from what we've achieved together. Nassau County's high vaccination rate gives us the freedom to safely live, work, and play as we see fit. Our high vaccination rate also means countless lives saved and economic revitalization. I encourage residents to go out this summer with family and friends, support our local businesses, and enjoy all Nassau has to offer.”