Mangano: Food Services Program To Provide Children With 70,000 Lunches This Summer

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today announced that for the sixth consecutive year, the Nassau County Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

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In 2016 the County expects to serve approximately 70,000 lunches to 2,800 children at 33 community sites during the months of July and August.

Photo by: Jared Richardson, via Free Images.

Nassau County, NY - June 28, 2016 - Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today announced that for the sixth consecutive year, the Nassau County Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) - administered by the Nassau County Department of Social Services (DSS) and funded by New York State Department of Education - will begin July 5th and end August 19th. Lunch meals are being provided to all eligible children 18 years and under without charge, and acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.

County Executive Mangano stated, “The Summer Food Service Program ensures children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Together, we are making sure no child goes hungry this summer.”

Nassau County receives reimbursement from the Federal government to cover administrative and operating costs of serving free lunches meeting USDA nutritional requirements to eligible children at 33 community sites within Nassau County. All eligible sites are monitored regularly by SFSP seasonal staff, including a Program Administrator and Director. In addition, sanitarians from the Nassau County Department of Health are involved in the inspections of the lunch sites and ensuring safety of the food provided to the youth participating in the programs. Eligible children must reside in areas in which one half or more of the children are from households with income at or below the eligibility level for free and reduced price school meals, or 185% of the Federal poverty guideline.

During the 2015 SFSP a total of 61,800 lunches were served to eligible children in 29 countywide sites. In 2016 the County expects to serve approximately 70,000 lunches to 2,800 children at 33 community sites during the months of July and August.

For more information about the national Summer Food Service Program, visit here.

For information about the 2016 various sites and lunch schedules in Nassau County, please contact the Summer Food Service Program Coordinator Carl DeHaney at (516) 227 8615.