Two Swimmers Rescued Along with Boat Experiencing Engine Trouble on 4th of July
Wantagh, NY - July 4, 2016 - The Nassau County Marine Bureau reports the details of a water rescue that occurred in Sloop Channel by marker 8 in Wantagh on Monday, July 04, 2016 at 2:20 P.M.
According to police, while on routine patrol, Marine Bureau 6, observed a 9 foot Zodiac boat in apparent distress drifting in a swift current, due to engine trouble. As the patrol vessel came closer, officers observed two swimmers struggling to reach the Zodiac to render assistance. The two swimmers were originally on board a 33 foot Carver which was anchored approximately ¼ mile east of said location. Police officers secured the two swimmers aboard Marine 6, along with the sole operator of the Zodiac, and placed the Zodiac in a stern tow. The occupants of both boats were known to each other.
The two swimmers had no injuries other than exhaustion from swimming against the tide and refused medical attention at scene. No other injuries were reported.