New York State DEC to Boaters: Keep Your Distance to Protect Yourself, Your Boat, and Marine Animals!

Follow these tips by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to keep the animals and your passengers safe.

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Photo Credit: NOAA

Summertime in the Mid-Atlantic offers the potential for exhilarating marine wildlife viewing experiences, especially as whales and other marine animals follow bait fish and may be close to shore.

Whether on the beach or on the water, if you see protected animals like whales, dolphins, seals, sea turtles, or Atlantic sturgeon, follow the tips below supplied by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to keep the animals and your passengers safe. 

Give Space 

  • North Atlantic right whales: 1500 feet or 5 football field lengths (required by law)
  • Other whales: 300 feet/100 yards (at least) - 600 feet (is preferred)
  • Seals, dolphins and sea turtles: 150 feet
  • Leaping sturgeon also require extra space to avoid injury to you and the fish

Don’t Chase!

  • If a whale approaches within 100 feet of your vessel, put your engine in neutral. Do not re-engage your engine until the whale is observed on the surface, outside of the 100-foot or 1500-foot (if it’s a right whale) zone.
  • Don’t follow or chase marine animals.
  • Don’t cut through their path - you could separate moms and calves.