Mangano: Summer Food Service Program Is Underway For 4th Consecutive Year

Lunch meals are being provided to all eligible children 18 years and under without charge.

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Nassau County, NY - July 10, 2014 - Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today announced that for the fourth consecutive year, the Nassau County Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) administered by the Nassau County Department of Social Services (DSS) and funded by New York State Department of Education began Monday July 7, 2014 and will end August 22, 2014. Lunch meals are being provided to all eligible children 18 years and under without charge, and acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. County Executive Mangano emphasized that Nassau County receives reimbursement from the Federal government to cover administrative and operating costs of serving free lunches meeting USDA nutritional requirements to eligible children at 38 community sites within Nassau County.
All eligible sites are monitored regularly by SFSP seasonal staff, including a Program Administrator and Director. In addition, sanitarians from the Nassau County Department of Health are involved in the inspections of the lunch sites and ensuring safety of the food provided to the youth participating in the programs. Eligible children must reside in areas in which one half or more of the children are from households with income at or below the eligibility level for free and reduced price school meals, or 185% of the Federal poverty guideline. Nassau County's Food Service is a vended program; bids are taken through the Nassau County Department of Purchase and Supply, whereby the lowest bidder receives the contract. Whitson Foods of Islandia was awarded the contract and they prepare and deliver lunches to all participating sites. Program Coordinator Carl DeHaney noted that the County pays the vendor the bid rate for all meals delivered in a timely manner while Whitson maintains appropriate holding and transport temperature.
As noted by County Executive Mangano, during the 2013 SFSP a total of 62,000 lunches were served to eligible children in more than 35 sites countywide. In July 2013, the average number of children served daily was 1,700 and for August 2013, the average number of children receiving lunch was 2,000. The program operated Monday through Friday, beginning July 8, 2013 and ended August 23, 2013. For 2014, the County expects to serve more than 65,000 lunches.
For information about the 2014 various sites and lunch schedules, please contact the DSS Summer Food Service Program Coordinator Carl DeHaney at (516) 227-7406.