Free Speakers Available Through Nassau Bar Association

Attorney members of the Nassau County Bar Association are available to speak on all types of topics at organization meetings during the fall, winter and spring.

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Attorney members of the Nassau County Bar Association are available to speak on all types of topics.

Photo by: Jason Morrison, via Free Images.

Mineola, NY - July 12, 2016 - Attorney members of the Nassau County Bar Association are available to speak on all types of topics at organization meetings during the fall, winter and spring. Program directors of community groups, business and civic associations, fraternal and philanthropic organizations, church groups, youth clubs, senior centers, classroom teachers, librarians and any others who are planning programs for the coming year may obtain free speakers on a wide variety of important legal topics through the Nassau County Bar Association. NCBA’s Speakers Bureau is a free public education service to help citizens understand the ever-changing legal system as it relates to their lives.

More than 500 attorneys volunteer go out into the community to talk about the newest developments in just about every area of the law. New topics added to the list are mediation and arbitration, laws regarding student loans and LGBTQ legal issues.  In addition, NCBA provides speakers on constitutional rights, law enforcement, estate planning, medical issues, securities, taxes, real estate, consumer fraud, local government, employment topics, discrimination, DWI, immigration, starting a business, divorce, and much more.  Speakers will be matched to the topic requested, and they will tailor presentations to the specific interests of the group.

To request a speaker, or for information on any of the Bar’s free community education programs, contact Caryle Katz at the NCBA, 516-747-4070, email, or download the Speakers’ Bureau request form on the website. Attorneys speaking Spanish and other languages are available.

About the Nassau County Bar Association
Founded in 1899, the Nassau County Bar Association is the leader in providing legal information and community service on Long Island. NCBA consists of private and public attorneys, judges, legal educators and law students who demonstrate their commitment to the community by offering a variety of services for the public, including lawyer referral services, mortgage foreclosure, Sandy recovery and senior citizen legal clinics; judicial screening and public education programs.  The Nassau Academy of Law provides the largest program of continuing education for the legal community.  We Care, part of the Nassau Bar Foundation, NCBA’s charitable arm, assists children, the elderly and others in need, through countless projects and donations.  For more information, call (516) 747-4070 (language translation available), email, or visit