
Suffolk Legislature July 17 Meeting Agenda: Funding for Public Safety Rapid Response Project Before Legislators

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  17. July 2018

Hauppauge, NY - July 17, 2018 - Members of the Suffolk County Legislature are expected to consider a Certificate of Necessity for funding for a project that would streamline and centralize emergency response to K-12 schools within Suffolk County for all hazard type emergencies. Twelve votes were needed for the $2 million in funding for the Rapid Response Project, which came before Legislators at the June 19 meeting, but failed to receive the votes needed.
Legislators will also weigh an initiative sponsored by Presiding Officer DuWayne Gregory that would require the county’s Department of Economic Development and Planning to develop a pilot program through which to assist young adults in paying down student loans while encouraging them to remain in Suffolk County at their July 17 meeting at the William H. Rogers Building in Hauppauge. The meeting will begin at 9:30 am and Public Hearings are scheduled to start at 2 pm.
The purpose behind the resolution is to direct the Department to investigate ways in which to create the framework and eligibility requirements for a pilot program that would creatively reduce student debt through various options, including, but not limited to, rolling student loans and mortgages into one payment with lower interest rates. They would also provide recommendations for action, propose a budget and identify potential sources of revenue to fund the program. Recommendations and a plan would be returned to the Legislature within 60 days.
Lawmakers will also weigh in on authorizing $500,000 in Serial Bonds for the Mud Creek Watershed Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project. The purpose of the project is to restore thewetland and terrestrial habitats that were extensively degraded by the operation of a former duck farm on a 45-acre site in East Patchogue
Remnants of the duck farm still exist along with dilapidated and burned out buildings, debris, old equipment and machinery, duck pen fencing, pump houses and piping. Additional funding is needed for the demolition and removal of existing buildings and asbestos. The project will be accomplished through the combined efforts of the Suffolk County departments of Parks, Recreation and Conservation, Public Works and Economic Development and Planning. 
In addition, Legislators will consider clarifying language in the law regulating pet restraints as it applies to towns and villages that states “unless the town or village ordinance, resolution or law expressly provides and allows for the enforcement of this article within the town or village boundaries.” The change gives local towns and villages the ability to enforce the County’s law, should they so choose, but will not obligate them. 
IR 1602, is a Bond Resolution authorizing $4,684,314 to finance various public purposes and improvements to be undertaken by the Police Department and Medical Examiner’s Office. For specific project information visit the County Legislature’s website at www.scnylegislature.us.
Three other Certificates of Necessity for bonding will be before the Legislators on July 17, including $8,820,000 to finance the Port Jefferson-Wading River Rails to Trails Pedestrian and Bicycle Path; $7,455,000 to finance the pavement resurfacing of CR4, Commack Road; and $1,500,000 to finance the restoration of Canaan Lake. 
Several Public Hearings are also scheduled for 2 pm, including:
  • Establishing a Fund Balance Policy to maintain financial resources;
  • Requiring installation of Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems at auctioned parcels that have been improved and are capable of occupancy;
  • Improving the Alarm System Permitting Law to allow County residents who have failed to register their alarm to have the first time false alarm fee waived;
  • A law to prevent bond bundling;
  • Requiring American Sign Language Outreach during emergencies and disasters;
  • Establishing a multi-year financial plan that requires the County Executive to submit a three-year financial plan by December 31st of each year that outlines revenues, expenditures and fund balance estimates for each of the major funds;
  • Enhancing Legislative oversight of Asset Forfeiture Funds and how they are used.
For additional information, visit www.scnylegislature.us or contact Fran Evans at (631)853-5499. 

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