Local Baymen Seek Final Charitable Funds for Monument After Receiving Large Donation from Billy Joel


“This memorial will be a place of reflection, where friends, family and visitors can view our beautiful harbor and think about the sacrifices made by our Baymen,” said Supervisor Joe Saladino.

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Photo Credit: Town of Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and his colleagues on the Town Board recently joined with the Baymen’s Heritage Association to dedicate the future sight of the Baymen Memorial Monument in Theodore Roosevelt Park in Oyster Bay. The monument will honor the Town’s Baymen and those who have lost their lives to the demanding profession, including beloved Bayman Mike Kennedy, who perished in the Long Island Sound on May 17, 2020.
“This memorial will be a place of reflection, where friends, family and visitors can view our beautiful harbor and take a few minutes to think about the sacrifices made by our Baymen, including Mike Kennedy who sadly lost his life just three years ago.” said Supervisor Saladino. “Honoring his legacy, and those of his colleagues, is the impetus behind this memorial, which will forever remember those who make their living from the sea.”
To date, the Baymen’s Heritage Association has raised over $250,000 to fund the project, including a large donation from local musician Billy Joel, but still need to raise additional funding to bring the monument to fruition.
“This monument will serve as a tribute to Michael, but also to the heritage of Baymen in Oyster Bay,” Councilman Labriola added. “We ask that you consider this cause when opening your hearts and wallets; 100% of funds raised will be used to erect and preserve the monument and convey the history of the local shell fishing industry to the public.”
To raise the charitable funds needed to construct this monument, the group formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To assist their efforts, the Town of Oyster Bay has launched a GoFundMe page titled:  ‘Monument to Baymens Heritage in Oyster Bay, NY.,’ and can be found at www.gofundme.com/f/monument-to-baymens-heritage-in-oyster-bay-ny. For more information about the Baymen’s Heritage Association and the Baymen Memorial Monument please visit www.baymensheritage.org.
CREDIT: Town of Oyster Bay