Weather Alert  

PATCHY DENSE FOG INTO THIS AFTERNOON As low pressure tracks across Long Island today, patchy dense fog can be expected. The fog will reduce visibility to a quarter mile or less at times. Use caution if traveling. The fog will dissipate later this afternoon as winds increase out of the west.

Tire Rack Street Survival Returns to Long Island to Teach Teen Drivers How to Arrive Alive

Tire Rack Street Survival® is a national non-profit and advanced teen drivers’ education program that teaches teens the skills they need to stay alive behind the wheel.

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Uniondale, NY - July 21, 2014 - Tire Rack Street Survival® is a national non-profit and advanced teen drivers’ education program that teaches teens the skills they need to stay alive behind the wheel. Unlike traditional driver education programs based on classroom theory and simple maneuvers, the Tire Rack Street Survival® program improves driver competence through hands-on experiences in real-world driving situations.
The program returns each year in July to Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY. This year the event will take place on Saturday, July 26 at Nassau Coliseum from 8:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m.
Students will receive a short classroom session and then will learn, hands-on, how to manage everyday driving hazards, obstacles and challenges in a controlled environment on an advanced driving course to ultimately ‘arrive alive.’
Students learn emergency braking and skid control, how to control unintended oversteer and understeer, and how to avoid accidents entirely. In select schools, in addition to spending time in the driver’s seat of an 18-wheeler to fully comprehend its massive blind spots, teenagers witness the violent detonation of an air bag, which demonstrates the force of the explosive devices.
Students are taught in their own cars, not specially prepared program vehicles, so that the skills they learn can be directly translated to their daily driving experiences. Tire Rack Street Survival® challenges teenagers to understand how to control a vehicle, rather than just operate one.
Tire Rack Street Survival® is open to licensed and permitted drivers ages 15 – 21. Forms, schedules and more information can be found online at The cost is $75 per student and some insurance companies offer premium discounts to graduates.
For more information, to find a list of upcoming schools or to register for a specific school, visit or call (864) 438-2060.