LIWC Encourages Residents to Reduce Irrigation Water Use

Residents are encouraged to conserve water during hot, dry weather.

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Residents are advised to set their irrigation systems to run between 5:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. to avoid peak demand times.

Photo by: Krzysztof (Kriss) Szkurlatowski, via Free Images.

Long Island, NY - July 22, 2016 - The Long Island Water Conference (LIWC) is calling on residents to voluntarily reduce water usage and observe their municipality’s odd/even watering ordinances. As Long Island and most of the Northeast region enters a “heat dome” this weekend, w will rise to 10 degrees above normal for a period of six days. During this time, residents are advised to set their irrigation systems to run between 5:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. to avoid peak demand times.

“We encourage residents to water their lawns on alternate days and reduce water usage to ensure Long Island water suppliers are able to supply high-pressure water for fire protection and other essential services,” said LIWC Chairman Ralph Pugliese. “Utilizing such methods as taking shorter showers and changing the time of day residents water their lawns will help conserve our most precious resource. Our members will continue to work diligently to meet the needs of our residents.”

Nassau County’s odd-even sprinkler regulation requires residences with a house number that is even—or is not numbered—to water their lawn on even-numbered days. Conversely, residences with a house number that is odd should water their lawn on odd-numbered days. Some of the driest conditions to date have occurred during this July with only eight total days of precipitation accumulating a mere 2.93 inches of rain. The July monthly average is 4.5 inches of rain. Temperatures have also been above average, including 16 days with temperatures reaching a minimum of 85 degrees.

In addition to adhering to all irrigation regulations in both Nassau and Suffolk counties, homeowners are urged to be conscious of water usage inside their homes. LIWC members suggest making the following small changes to conserve water during this dry, hot season:

  • Be sure to check for and repair any leaks throughout household plumbing
  • Never flush trash down your toilet
  • Shorten showers
  • Only use the dishwasher and washing machine when it is fully loaded
  • Minimize the use of sink garbage disposals
  • Don’t let the faucet run unnecessarily while performing tasks at the sink

About the Long Island Water Conference
The LIWC has been committed to providing pure and plentiful water for the Long Island community since 1951. The LIWC aims to provide and maintain an adequate and safe water supply today, while anticipating the water concerns of future generations. LIWC members provide more than 375 million gallons of clean water daily. For more information, visit