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PATCHY DENSE FOG THIS MORNING Areas of fog this morning may become locally dense, reducing visibilities to 1/4 mile or less at times. Motorists should use low beam headlights and remain alert for rapidly changing visibilities. Allow extra time to reach your destination.

Osprey Persistence Pays Off As PSEGLI Builds Lovebirds a Place to Nest

Platform disc was constructed at West Meadow Beach for birds who refused to give up their home atop a utility pole.

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Photo: Shutterstock.

A couple of Ospreys who refused to give up their nesting spot atop a utility pole got a boost as PSEGLI installed a platform on a utility pole at West Meadow Beach in Stony Brook this month for the persistent pair of lovebirds.


According to a statement released by Brookhaven Town, the birds had started nesting on the pole when electric service was disrupted, and repairs were needed to restore power. The first few attempts at nest building by this pair of ospreys resulted in blown fuses on the pole, and PSEGLI made several attempts to introduce elements of “hostile architecture” to discourage them from further attempts.


With each repair came the removal of the Osprey nest. Stressed and displaced, the couple sought refuge in the salt marsh but never gave up on the home they built together. After several repairs and rebuilds, it finally became apparent that the persistence of these Osprey could not be matched. On July 14, PSEGLI installed an Osprey platform for the young pair to safely keep their nest upon.


Pictured left to right are beach stewards Roberta Fabiano and Frank Fountain; Councilmember Kornreich and Nicole Pocchiare, Town of Brookhaven Environmental Educator. Photo: Town of Brookhaven.


"The story of the Osprey nest at the West Meadow Nature Preserve proves the adage that you can’t fight Mother Nature,” said Brookhaven Town Councilmember Jonathan Kornreich.


The Osprey is a migratory bird species that returns to our area each year after overwintering in the south. Once they find a partner, they will mate for life and will do so at the same exact location each spring. So, when a young Osprey pair made their home atop a utility pole on Trustees Road last August, something needed to be done to help them survive and grow their family. The Osprey is a majestic and admirable bird. It bears many adaptations to survive in varying coastal environments, but it is due to their resilience that we are seeing their population once again thrive.


According to Nicole Pocchiare, Town of Brookhaven Environmental Educator, the installation of the platform for the Osprey’s nest is a perfect example of how as a community we can be more understanding and appreciative of the natural space we share.


“It is so important that we find the balance between our use of the land and the preservation of this beautiful coast,” she said.


