
PSEG LI Says It's Prepared For the Heat

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  29. July 2015

Uniondale, NY - July 28, 2015 - The weather for the next few days calls for hot and humid temperatures. PSEG Long Island continues to monitor the weather forecast and has enough capacity available to meet the projected service-area peak demand for this week’s heat.

“PSEG Long Island has ample capacity to handle the demand projected,” said John O’Connell, vice president of Transmission and Distribution, PSEG Long Island. “We would like to remind customers to follow a few simple tips to conserve energy and to take advantage of our energy efficiency incentives to save money."

To limit the impact of hot weather and better manage electric usage, PSEG Long Island recommends the following tips for customers:

  • Eliminate non-essential electric consumption
  • Put air conditioners on timers and don't let them run when not at home
  • Set air conditioners at 78 degrees or higher if health allows
  • Use fans to circulate cool air, which helps cut air conditioner use
  • Set refrigerators and freezers at most efficient temperatures
  • Run major appliances such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, and pool pumps in the morning or late evening to avoid peak demand hours of 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

PSEG Long Island energy efficiency programs provide residential and commercial customers with the tools needed to incorporate energy efficient practices and technologies to help lower energy usage. For information on PSEG Long Island energy saving programs and tips visit here.

High temperatures and high electric demand can sometimes cause scattered heat-related outages. PSEG Long Island has additional personnel available and will address outages as quickly and safely as possible. Customers who experience an outage should call 1-800- 490-0075.

Customers with a handheld device can also report power outages by texting “OUT” to PSEGLI (773454). You will receive confirmation that your outage has been submitted and will begin receiving updates on the status of your outage. This requires a one-time registration. To register, text REG to PSEGLI (773454) or visit the My Account section of the PSEG Long Island website. General outage activity throughout our service territory is also available online and on our mobile website. Updates are posted here.

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