
American Alligator Turned Over to Suffolk County SPCA

Written by Chris Boyle  |  05. August 2022

Zachary, a 9 year old 5 foot American Alligator was recently turned over to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Suffolk County SPCA. 
Chief Roy Gross of the Suffolk County SPCA said the alligator was surrendered to NYSDEC Police and Suffolk County SPCA by the owner, who had purchased the alligator out of state, did not have a permit to own it in New York State and could no longer care for it. 
The reptile will be transported to a licensed wildlife sanctuary. Gross said "alligators do not make good pets, are a danger to the public, and are illegal to own without a permit from the NYSDEC." 
The Suffolk County SPCA is reminding residents to be careful of reptiles found in the wild and not to touch or approach them. Alligators possess a keen sense of hearing, allowing them to determine the source of sounds. In the past, 22 alligators had been illegally released in one year on Long Island endangering the public. 
If you spot a dangerous reptile, please do not try to touch or handle it. Call professionals, like the Suffolk County SPCA or NYSDEC who can handle these animals and get them to proper sanctuaries.
We are offering owners of these exotic animals the opportunity to surrender without penalty or charges for illegal possession.
Anyone who sees an abandoned reptile is asked to call the Suffolk County SPCA at 631-382-7722 or NYSDEC Police at 631-444-0250. All calls will be kept confidential.

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