
Three Non-for-Profits in New York Making a Difference in NY Region

Written by Phil Andrews  |  10. August 2016

New York, NY - August 9, 2016 - Three Non-for-Profits in New York Making a Difference in NY Region. So many times we focus on what is wrong in the inner cities, but a variety of non­profits are doing pioneering work in their prospective fields of endeavors.  In this article we hope to inspire others by sharing some of the work that specific organizations are doing in New York. We know it sounds  cliché  but we would  like to put emphasis  on  the positive  with the hope  that  others  will take positive  action  to make  a difference in New York.

These non­profits are making a difference in the lives of others, and they never have too much support so we are requesting readers to take appropriate action which helps these entities to continue to make a difference in the lives of others.

A non­for­profit founded in Queens, New York by Erna Blackman has been featured in the Southeast Queens Press in a story titled "Hair is The Story of One Jamaica Do­ Gooder.  Her organization is Butterflies, BBI a non­-for-­profit helps children  who are experiencing  hair loss due to medical reasons find free hair replacement or solutions. The program even provides sports teams or baseball caps for boys who may be experiencing hair loss as well.

Erna Blackman also serves as the Queens County Director of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Visit Butterflies, BBI online to help today.

Her organization's work was recently recognized by the National Association of Negro and Professional Women's Club, Inc. (The Laurelton Club) with its highest award the Sojourner Truth Award. The Sojourner Truth Award is the highest award presented by the NANBPWC and is given to a woman whose life and values are similar to Sojourner Truth. Erna Blackman was also featured on WABC Here and Now!

Black Public Relations Society of New York ­ BPRS­NY is a non­profit in New York seeking to diversify the public relations industry.  The organization  also  seeks  help  those  who  wish to advance  in  the industry  by conducting  workshops,  seminars  and  forums  to keep them informed of the newest trends in the Public Relations industry. Internships opportunities are also an integral part of the association's plans. BPRS­NY advocates on behalf of minorities in the Public Relations field to gain access to senior level positions in the field where it is well documented that their presence in those positions will garner greater impact on the industry as a whole. BPRS­NY is a membership  based organization and an affiliate member of the National Black Public Relations Society, Inc.

National Black Public Relations Society Releases Survey Citing Need for Industry to Intensify Efforts to Increase Diversity and Strengthen Partnerships with Smaller Firms.

Don't forget to like BPRS­NY on Facebook and subscribe for updates!

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is also doing pioneering work in the area of African American Economic Empowerment in the NYC/Long Island metropolitan area. It is the first regional African American Chamber of Commerce serving the four counties of Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk.  The chamber is helping  to increase  the number  of minority  women  business  enterprises (MWBE) who are certified to do business with government  entities in the region. In addition, the chamber has been serving as a leading small business advocate via bringing quality services and programs to the African American Community on Long Island and in NYC. The chamber of commerce is creating a significant trade zone across the region and empowering families and communities to live better lives.

The Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a member of the US Black Chambers, Inc.

Facts about the chamber!

To learn more about the programs and services of the Long Island African American  Chamber of Commerce,  Inc. you may visit chamber online at http://www.liaacc.org

The chamber has been featured on WABC Here and Now!

Unique opportunities to be of service to others and make society a better place to live is always available to those who want to be the change they want to see in  the world!  It is my hope that  more  people  will  be inspired  by learning  how  others  are  taking  action  by making  a difference and taking up the mantle in their own ways to contribute to a better world.

Featured Non­profits ­ Butterflies, BBI 501 C 3 Non Profit, Black Public Relations Society of New York, Inc. 501 C 3 Non Profit and Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. 501 C 6 Non Profit Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Andrews is also the current President of the Long Island African American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and the Past President of a local chapter of 100 Black Men in New York State.

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