A fourth grader at South Bay Elementary School in West Babylon and his father recently published a children’s book titled Blobby & Ant Become Friends. The story highlights how two people who are nothing alike can still become great friends by working together. It is recommended for kids age 4-7.
Chase Flynn with a copy of his book. Photo: @blobbyant Twitter page.
Chase Flynn, 9, of West Babylon, and his father Kevin officially became authors in March when Blobby & Ant Become Friends was published. It is available on Amazon in paperback and ebook editions.
Photo (left to right): Deputy Supervisor Tony Martinez, Town of Babylon Youth Bureau Staff Member Kelly McNulty, Councilman Anthony Manetta, Town Clerk Gerry Compitello, Dean Flynn, Casey Flynn, Author Chase Flynn, Nicole Flynn, Supervisor Rich Schaffer, Kevin Flynn, Councilman Terence McSweeney, Councilman DuWayne Gregory, and Town of Babylon Youth Bureau Director Claire McKeon.
The Babylon Town Board recognized the young town resident and his father for their accomplishment. Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer presented both Flynns with Certificates of Appreciation on behalf of the Town Board for their involvement in our community and for their dedication to inclusivity and inspiring kids to befriend those who may be different than them. The younger Flynn is an active participant of the Town of Babylon Youth Bureau.