
Freeport Gem, Mineral & Jewelry Show Anticipating Next Blockbuster Event Aug. 27-28

Written by Chris Boyle  |  17. August 2022

Kaleidoscope Gem Shows is anticipating the next installment of their popular, thrice-annual Gem, Mineral, Fossil, Bead, and Jewelry show at the Freeport Recreation Center this August 27-28, with the event having come back bigger and better-attended than ever after making it through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Catering to rock hounds, collectors, jewelry enthusiasts, and more, the Freeport Gem, Mineral, & Jewelry Show boasts just about anything you could want of a sparkly nature, offered by some of the most well-established names in the field with decades of experience.
Event promoter Evelyn Gose – with ample assistance from her husband, Ralph – noted that their last show, held this past April, had not only risen to the level of success that it had enjoyed prior to the pandemic, but had actually even significantly surpassed it, something that she expressed deep gratitude for.
“I’d like to thank all the customers who joined us, as well all the vendors for doing such a great job,” Evelyn said. "I was so pleased that the show managed to not only bounce back, but was more successful than ever."
The event, held three times per year, is deeply steeped in history – the April show has been running for 47 years, the October show 26 years, and the August show 31 years – with the final event of 2022 scheduled for October 29-30, which as usual will feature a full complement of vendors, along with several exciting new additions as well.
While customers at the upcoming August event can expect to see the show’s usual compliment of fine gold and silver – reflecting a number of different design influences – estate pieces, minerals and fossils from around the world, as well as exciting varieties of beads and more, Evelyn noted that there will also be several dealers offering all-new wares as well.
“This upcoming show we’re going to have several all-new vendors, including a Brazilian mineral dealer who specializes in minerals from her home country, and another new dealer who sells exquisite silver jewelry,” she said. “We will also have several dealers that are new to our April show returning this August, and many of our long-time favorite sellers will be returning as well.”
For a number of years, Evelyn’s husband Ralph was the event promoter until he retired several years ago, with his very talented wife taking over his duties in his stead; it’s been a lot of hard work, she said, but the payoff of seeing a happy and excited crowd at each and every show easily makes the effort more than worth it.
In fact, currently the Freeport Gem and Mineral Show is the only regular such event on Long Island, which makes preserving it doubly important to Evelyn.
“Ralph still helps out a great deal – his expertise is much appreciated – but running the shows myself now has been a great experience, and I foresee myself continuing to do this for the foreseeable future,” she said. “The show’s been running in one form or another for over 50 years…my parents attended the show, as did I as a child, and I have great memories of the mineral and gem shows on Long Island. I want that to continue.”
The show – even just to those browsing – can be a captivating experience, with the many beautiful displays set up by the various sellers serving as eye-catching and memorable; however, Evelyn was quick to point out that, beyond the visual aesthetic and the ability to buy many one-of-a-kind items, there is also a distinct learning component for attendees as well. 
“The dealers are more than happy to share their knowledge with the customers,” she said. “When they leave, they have a much deeper appreciation and a smile on their face.”
And, of course, the show is fully air-conditioned, with that alone being a serious draw during the current heat wave that Long Island has been experiencing as of late.
Ultimately, Evelyn said that she not only appreciates the vendors and attendees for making the Freeport Gem and Mineral Show such a great success over the years, but also their long-time venue – the Freeport Recreation Center – as well.
“We’ve been at the Freeport Recreation Center for some time, and we really love them,” she said. “We don’t have any plans to leave, as they’ve been wonderful partners in the show.”
The Freeport Gem, Mineral, and Jewelry Show will be held this upcoming Saturday, August 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, August 28, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Freeport Recreation Center at 130 East Merrick Road in Freeport, NY. Admission is $5.50 for adults – $5.00 if you mention this ad – and children under 12 with an adult get in free. To find out more, please visit http://www.kaleidoscopegemshows.com.

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