Instant Noodles Satisfy the Hungry Stomach but Study Reveals Health Implications to the Heart

A new study reveals how consuming instant noodles may be hurting the heart, especially in women.

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It’s not hard to see why many run to instant noodles to satisfy the hungry stomach. It’s easy on the budget, offers a satisfying taste, and it’s an easy staple to store and prepare. But other than these advantages, there’s little benefit to consuming the product when you factor in health.

According to a study recently published in the Journal of Nutrition, it found consuming instant noodles increases the risk for cardiometabolic syndrome. We’re talking about high blood pressure and blood sugar levels that ultimately increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

The risk is especially high for women who consume instant noodles twice a week or more, according to the study.

The lead researcher in the study, Hyun Joon Shin, M.D., a clinical cardiology fellow at Baylor University Medical Center and a nutrition epidemiology doctoral student at Harvard School of Public Health points out that most instant noodle meals are packaged in Styrofoam, which contains bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a known hormone disruptor that may directly impact estrogen.

Shin also points out that instant noodles contain unhealthy ingredients, including MSG and chemical preservative tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). It’s also high in saturated fat and sugar and salt.

For people who do not know of the possible health risks, the staple food continues to be consumed for its convenience. The hope is that this research will have people think twice about what the intake of instant noodles is doing to one’s health when they are on the hunt for a quick meal or a late night snack.

The study was conduct in South Korea given it is one of the heaviest consumers of instant noodles. And even so, the implications may apply to anyone consuming instant noodles.

The study involved data from 10,711 adults between the ages of 19 to 64.

[Source: Baylor Scott & White Health; Journal of Nutrition.]