
Governor Cuomo Announces $22 Million Awarded to Provide New Supportive Housing Units in Counties Across the State

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  24. August 2013

Albany, NY - August 23, 2013 - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that more than $22 million in capital funding is being awarded for seven supportive housing projects around New York State. The grants are being provided to support projects in Albany, Bronx, Jefferson, Kings, Monroe, and Westchester counties. They will be administered through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Program (HHAP).

“Supportive housing is essential to breaking the cycle of homelessness for New York’s most vulnerable individuals and families,” Governor Cuomo said. “Increasing the supply of supportive housing units not only provides vital assistance to New Yorkers in need, but also improves the efficiency of Medicaid by reducing emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and lengths of stay in long-term care facilities.”


These seven projects will provide a total of 489 units of housing for homeless individuals and families. A portion of the funding – $3.2 million – has been allocated to HHAP by the state’s Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Affordable Housing Workgroup to create 33 units of supportive housing in Monroe County targeted specifically to homeless persons with disabilities who are high-cost users of Medicaid.


In the past two years, the state has committed to investing $161 million in supportive housing as part of the Medicaid Redesign Team’s efforts to help rein in costly Medicaid expenditures while more effectively managing the chronic conditions of more than 4,000 high-need New Yorkers. Providing stable housing along with supportive services has been shown to be one of the most important factors in continued long-term recovery, sobriety, and a more positive prognosis for this high-need population. Research indicates that individuals and families who have stable housing and have the appropriate supports to assist them in remaining housed have lower medical costs due to decreased utilization of hospital emergency rooms as well as reduced inpatient hospitalizations for medical and mental health reasons.


HHAP meets a distinct need in New York by providing funding to develop housing for various special needs populations. HHAP is designed to help families and individuals move out of homelessness and poverty, and achieve the highest level of independence possible.


“These much-needed projects will provide affordable housing to vulnerable New Yorkers, including those with mental illness, those living with HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, and young adults,” said OTDA Commissioner Kristin M. Proud. “New York State, under Governor Cuomo, has made a strong commitment to supportive housing that is demonstrated not only by the funding being made available, but increased collaboration that cuts across all state agencies.”


Organizations awarded funding are:


Agency County Amount
CAMBA Housing Ventures Kings $6,000,000
Concern for Independent Living Bronx $5,684,000
DePaul Properties, Inc. Monroe $3,200,000
New Destiny Bronx $3,179,128
Westhab, Inc. Westchester $2,302,562
Support Ministries, Inc. Albany $1,120,220
Victims Assistance Center of Jefferson County, Inc. Jefferson $800,000



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