Ahead of the new school year, Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone, Police Commissioner Rodney Harrison, and FRES Commissioner Pat Beckley highlighted the various public safety programs currently offered to school districts, including announcing additional upcoming active shooter drills at local school districts which test various technologies including S.H.A.R.E and the RAVE Mobile App.
Officials also announced enhanced police patrols enforcing reduced speed limits around school zones to increase pedestrian safety.
S.H.A.R.E is a school safety initiative that allows school districts the ability to connect their existing CCTV camera systems directly to the Suffolk County Police Department’s Real Time Crime Center, saving precious time for first responders during a crisis and enhancing the efficiency of a Police response to an active shooter scenario.
The RAVE Panic Button mobile application, which Suffolk County provides free to all school faculty and administrators, provides a stratum of features designed to dramatically enhance police and first responders’ ability to effectively react and respond to active shooter events and other emergency situations.