On August 13, 2022, Deputy Sheriffs from the Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office investigated and identified suspects in the illegal dumping of large amounts of household trash in the Pine Barrens.
When illegal dumping is discovered, Pine Barrens Enforcement Officers send any information they obtain to agencies that are part of the Pine Barrens Law Enforcement Council. The receiving agency then handles the investigation and prosecution of the illegal dumping.
The Pine Barrens Law Enforcement Council includes representatives from all agencies within the Central Pine Barrens region which have a law enforcement or compliance function. The Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office serves as one of the lead agencies in the Council.
In this particular illegal dumping case, the subject was identified by Deputy Sheriffs and faced prosecution. He eventually cleaned the entire area at his expense and paid a fine.
Sheriff Toulon thanks his Deputy Sheriffs for their hard work. “The Pine Barrens are one of Suffolk County’s most valuable resources. This area contains wildlife habitats, hiking trails, and overlies our drinking water aquafer. Any illegal dumping in the Pine Barrens puts this area at great risk. I commend my Deputy Sheriffs for their hard work in investigating this ongoing threat to the Pine Barrens.”
For more information on the Pine Barrens Law Enforcement Council, visit https://pb.state.ny.us/our-work/land-protection/law-enforcement-council.