DEC to Host Public Meeting on Roberto Clemente Park Management Plan
Brentwood, NY - September 2, 2016 - The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will host a public meeting to detail the completed cleanup of Roberto Clemente Park and discuss the approved Site Management and Restoration Plan, DEC Regional Director Carrie Meek Gallagher announced today. The approval finalizes the completed cleanup at the public park and ensures the environmental safety of the park for the foreseeable future.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Health Sports Education Complex Lecture Hall at the M.J. Grant Campus of Suffolk County Community College, 1001 Crooked Hill Road, Brentwood.
At the meeting, DEC will summarize the remedial actions that were undertaken and completed by the Town of Islip in relation to the removal of contaminated fills placed at the park. DEC will also discuss the Site Management Plan and Restoration Plan, and the ongoing and future environmental monitoring plans. DEC will take questions from residents during the meeting. The meeting will not discuss any new development or future amenities for the park.
The Site Management and Restoration Plan will include the restoration of the soccer field, a groundwater monitoring plan, a gas monitoring plan and a description of deed covenants and restrictions.
Roberto Clemente Park occupies approximately 30-acres on the west side of Broadway, north of West 18th Street and south of Nolin Street in Brentwood. Timberline Drive borders the park to the west.
In 2014, Roberto Clemente Park was closed due to illegal dumping activities that had occurred on sections of the soccer field and the recharge basin. The fill in the park was tested by an environmental consulting firm and determined to contain asbestos, elevated levels of organic compounds, metals, pesticides and PCBs.
On October 9, 2014, DEC held a public meeting to present The Town of Islip’s proposed work plan for the remediation of the park. DEC used public comments to improve the plan. Following approval of the updated work plan, the Town excavated almost 39,000 tons of material with almost 40 percent of the material being disposed of at an off-Long Island facility. End point samples taken at the affected sites ensured the removal of all illegally dumped fill in the park.
The implementation of the Department approved Site Management and Restoration Plan is the last step in the remediation of the park.
Where to Find Information:
Documents on the cleanup for the Roberto Clemente Town Park is available at the Brentwood Public Library Second Avenue and Fourth Street, Brentwood, the NYSDEC office in Stony Brook and at Town of Islip offices.
The Town of Islip has also posted information on the cleanup and other site information on its website
Individuals with questions about the remediation can contact the NYSDEC’s Office of Communications at (631) 444-0350.