International Overdose Awareness Day Solemnized by Tree Lighting
Families, community leaders, civic organizations and Town and County officials came together to pay tribute to the lives lost to overdose by lighting the Bayport Blue Point Library tree purple Thursday. The gathering marked International Overdose Awareness Day, while offering Narcan/Harm Reduction Training; “Shed the Meds”; along with mental health resources.
“The Town of Islip has been at the forefront of the Opioid/Heroin crisis, officially designating the Town of Islip Opioid Task Force in 2018 to address this issue,” said Islip Town Supervisor, Angie Carpenter. “Studies have shown that conversations about drugs and alcohol use and abuse can be the first step in prevention, and parents should consider opening the lines of communication about substance abuse as early as preschool,” said Supervisor Carpenter.
On Wednesday, September 6th, the Town of Islip will kick-off Islip Goes Purple, a month-long event designed to bring awareness to recovery from addiction and life beyond. Join the Town of Islip and members of your community September 6th, at 4pm, at Islip Town Hall for an exciting Color Fun Run and the lighting of the Town Hall Cupola purple.
CREDIT: Town of Islip