Baldwin, NY - Sept. 5, 2018 - Nassau County Legislator Debra Mulé (D-Freeport) in conjunction with the New York Blood Center hosted a successful blood drive at the Baldwin Fire Department on Thursday, August 30th.
At the beginning of the summer New York Blood Center declared a blood emergency, and Long Island was one of the areas asked to help replenish the blood supply for local hospitals. Baldwinites heeded the call impressively, with nearly 80 rolling up their sleeves to donate. Legislator Mulé’s office has hosted three blood drives this summer, attracting more than 200 donors.
“The critical need for blood donations during the summer makes Thursday’s impressive turnout even more important,” Legislator Mule said. “I thank the Baldwin Fire Department for hosting the drive, the New York Blood Center for coordinating and the nearly 80 residents who took time out of their day to give the gift of life.”
“Every single day, blood donations help save lives – and right now, the need is critical,” said Andrea Cefarelli, Senior Executive Director of Donor Recruitment for New York Blood Center. “We’re calling on everyone to do what they can to spread the word, host a blood drive or simply take an hour out of their day to donate.”