Town of Southampton Urges Residents to Sign-Up For Notify Me Emergency Alerts

As a coastal community, we must prepare for any emergency -whether it is a hurricane, fire, flood, or snow storm.

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Southampton, NY - September 9, 2015 - In a notification to residents and visitors of the Town of Southampton, Southampton Town Supervisor stated:

As a coastal community, we must prepare for any emergency - whether it is a hurricane, fire, flood, or snow storm. An important priority, Southampton Town is constantly improving its own readiness through planning and hands-on exercises, and by coordinating with county, state, and federal agencies.

Recognizing that preparation is our best defense, we have released a new brochure, Be Prepared. (Available in English &Spanish) Updated, handy, and compact, the pamphlet is designed specifically for Southampton residents, with valuable information such as: important telephone numbers, advice on caring for the elderly and those with special needs, ensuring your pet's safety, protecting your home or business, and assembling a "go bag" and home emergency kit. Pick up your Be Prepared brochure at the following locations:  

  • Southampton Town Hall
  • Town Senior Centers
  • Parks & Recreation Office
  • Village Halls
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Libraries
  • Southampton Youth Services (SYS)  

In addition, citizens can also register for the new CodeRED notification system, and join us on Facebook and Twitter. Originally developed for Suffolk County, CodeRED is now used by local governments, schools, universities and utilities. Facebook and Twitter will help us to send more specific and local information to "friends" and followers."

We encourage you to use these new resources to assist you in keeping you and your family safe. With improved technology and better tracking, we now have the means to obtain advance notification of severe weather events, regional emergencies, and how best to prepare for them. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Town's Citizens' Response Center (CRC) at (631) 702-2440, or contact the Emergency Management Office at (631) 728-3400. 

Anna Throne-Holst, Supervisor

Southampton Town Notifications
The Town's Citizens' Response Center (CRC) can now provide "followers" and "friends" with real time updates about emergencies and important events. These notices will include public service announcements, notifications about road closures, extreme traffic situations, as well as other important information.