Nassau County SPCA Delivers 9600lbs of Dog Food
Nassau County, NY - September 11, 2014 - When families go hungry pets go hungry too. The effects of the economy reach far beyond just people; it's a sad and stark truth. That is why the Nassau County SPCA, when given the opportunity this week delivered 9600 pounds of dog food to Long Island Cares' Baxter's Pet Pantry. In these difficult times, many families are faced with the hard decision of giving up their pet, because they can no longer properly care for them, this is not the answer. For some, pets are their only family or friend. The human-animal bond is vital to a person's well-being, offering companionship, unconditional love, joy, comfort, friendship and acceptance - all without judgment. No one should face the decision of giving up their pets just because they have no resource for pet food. Families in our community should not have to choose between feeding themselves or their pets.
The Nassau County SPCA is asking everyone, civic organizations, religious groups, businesses, families and individuals please when you do your food drives or make your food pantry donation please remember to include a can or bag of pet food. Together we can help changes the lives of these animals, and make an impact if we don't forget pets go hungry too.
Please Don't Let a Pet Have an Empty Bowl!!!
To Report Animal Cruelty call 516-THE-SPCA, email or use our online form.
If are reporting an emergency, or that an animal is it about to be imminently injured or killed, CALL 911 and request immediate police response.
About Nassau County SPCA
Located in Nassau County, New York, The Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a 501(c) (3), nonprofit organization originally designed to protect animals in the county from abuse and neglect, and to provide basic welfare. We hold special authority to enforce NYS Agriculture & Markets Law, and all other state and local humane laws. We are the only animal protection agency officially designated to operate within the county's borders.
The NCSPCA is a volunteer organization dedicated to the rescue, care and placement of needy animals. The Society is run entirely by unpaid volunteers and its operations have been historically funded through contributions solicited from the public and through corporate grants.
The NCSPCA receives no public funding, is in no way affiliated with, a subdivision of or funded by any other local, state or national organization and every contribution, large or small, helps to provide the critical care needed to help homeless, abused and neglected animals in Nassau County. The continued success of each program relies entirely on donations. No money given to any other spca organization aids or benefits the NCSPCA. Your generous contribution will help the NCSPCA in all of its efforts