"Long Island Cars" Car Show & Swap Meet at North Hempstead Beach Park on Sun Oct. 15


Hundreds of automobiles, from vintage to exotic, will gather.

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On Sunday October 15th, car enthusiasts will converge on North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington for Long Island Cars "Judged" Car Show and Swap Meet. This classic 1955 Chevy, as well as hundreds of antique, custom and collectible show cars are expected to turn out to compete.

Long Island Cars will present their "Judged" Car Show and Swap Meet on Sunday October 15th at North Hempstead Beach Park in Port Washington.  
Hundreds of automobiles, from vintage to exotic, will gather. Car clubs and collectors will be displaying rare and exotic vintage cars that are rarely seen. Show cars will be competing in 50 classes for coveted "Long Island Cars" impressive trophies. 
This event will also include a swap meet with well stocked vendors offering older parts, literature, accessories and collectibles for sale. If you are looking to buy your dream car, check out the car for sale section where owners will be selling cars directly to the public. You'll experience live music, fun fair food and more. 
Hours are 8 am to 4 pm. Judged cars and vendors register at the gate between 7am and 10:30 am. Admission is $10.00: children 12 years & under are free. Display or sell your collectible car with general admission. 
North Hempstead Beach Park, 175 West Shore Rd., Port Washington 11050.  L.I.E. traveling East Exit 37 or L.I.E. traveling West Exit 39 North - continue on Service Rd. to Roslyn Rd and turn North for 1 mile to Clock Tower; bear left / North on West Shore Rd. for 2 miles. (631)567-5898 or LongIslandCars.com.