Oyster Bay Town Councilman Steve Labriola announced that registration for the Town’s Fall/Winter Youth Ice Hockey Program will begin soon for boys and girls ages 6- 16. This program includes full House League games, practice schedule and playoffs. Clinics spanning 10 weeks in duration will also be available for registration including all girls’ clinics, 6 and under clinics, and adult learn to play clinics. The Ice Hockey season will begin on Saturday, September 30th, with registration opening for residents online on September 12th.
“This recreational and instructional hockey program is designed to teach youngsters the correct fundamentals of one of America’s most popular sports,” said Councilman Labriola. “In addition to receiving instruction on the proper techniques of skating, stickhandling and shooting, participants will make new friends and create lifelong memories.”
Registration will begin online for Town residents on September 12th and September 13th at www.oysterbaytown.com/portal beginning at 9:00 am; online registration will open to non-residents on September 14th. All participants must provide their own equipment, and should have some skating ability. For more information, call the rink at (516) 433-7465, x 8234 or visit www.oysterbaytown.com/hockey.