William Floyd Athletics Participates in White House Conference Call on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition


Mark Mensch, the William Floyd School District Athletic Director and Coordinator of Physical Education and Health, along with Department Chair Brian Babst, recently participated in a 30-minute phone call with members of the President’s Council ...

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Mastic Beach, NY, September 19, 2014 – Mark Mensch, the William Floyd School District Athletic Director and Coordinator of Physical Education and Health, along with Department Chair Brian Babst, recently participated in a 30-minute phone call with members of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) on the topics of national school-based health initiatives and boosting physical activity for our nation’s youth.

During the call, approximately 250 school leaders from across the nation had the opportunity to gain insight from four-time Olympic medalist and PCFSN co-chair Dominique Dawes, NBA Hall of Famer and PCFSN member Alonzo Mourning and others on the latest national health initiatives.

“Studies have shown that physical exercise has a positive impact on academic performance,” said Mr. Mensch. “We look forward to working with all the schools in the district to come up with ways to boost physical activity throughout the school day.” He added that plans are currently also in the works for a district wellness committee and a fitness week.

Pictured on the conference call with the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition are (left to right) Mark Mensch and Brian Babst.