
Patchogue-Medford Library Announces America's Leading Financial Literacy Comedian Coming to Patchogue to Speak on October 5, 2016

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  22. September 2016

Patchogue, NY - September 22, 2016 - Patchogue-Medford Library joins with the American Library Association, FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), and the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts to bring nationally known speaker and comedian Colin Ryan to the Patchogue-Medford community. His inspiring and hilarious workshop will explore the relationship between money and options in life.

Patchogue-Medford Library and its community partners are promoting free, unbiased resources to help consumers better manage their money. This entertaining workshop is only one of the many planned for the fall of 2016.

Colin Ryan is a one-of- a-kind comedic speaker: a financial expert and author with the background of a professional comedian and storyteller. Colin gives students and adults the money and career skills they'll need to reach their dream. He uses humanizing honesty, powerful storytelling, hilarious pop culture touchstones, and a truly inspirational message to transform the dry subject of personal finance into an interactive conversation around one core idea: your ability to manage your money directly affects your ability to have the life you want.

“Young people in our community need to learn the basics of money management and good financial decision making," said Danielle Paisley, Assistant Director, Patchogue-Medford Library. "And, let’s face it, this isn’t the most exciting topic to talk about, but most everyone agrees that we need to be having these conversations with the youth in our lives. We hope that by bringing in Colin Ryan to speak in a fun and engaging way, parents, teens and young adults will have more open conversations about money and planning for the future.”

A unique partnership between the Patchogue Medford Library and the Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts will allow for enough space to invite teens, college students and their parents from the Greater Patchogue area and local colleges to participate. Doors open at 6:30 pm, show will begin at 7:30 pm. The event is free for all who attend, however, space is limited. Reservations are strongly suggested, and can be made by calling the PTPA box office at (631) 207-1313 or by email. For more information on this event, visit here.

The Patchogue-Medford Library has established itself as a valuable resource in our community to help people manage their finances, and make better decisions about money. This workshop, and many others, have been made possible by a grant from Smart Investing@your library ® , a partnership between the American Library Association and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation.

For more information, visit: www.pmlib.org/moneyforlife

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