
William Floyd Elementary Hosts 13th Annual Museum Day

Written by WFSD News  |  23. September 2016

Mastic Beach, NY - September 22, 2016 - William Floyd Elementary School once again kicked off the school year in an exciting fashion as its hallways and classrooms were transformed into art galleries, farms, ecology centers and even a marine life training center at the school’s 13th annual Museum Day celebration. Spearheaded by School Librarian Margaret Finne and Principal Keith Fasciana, Ed.D., students interacted with representatives from 14 local museums, cultural and educational institutions and organizations.

Pictured: Students work on Jackson Pollock's drip" painting technique.

This year’s event added two new exciting opportunities for students with representatives from the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center, who brought the experience of world-renowned artist Jackson Pollock’s “drip” painting to life; and the South Fork Natural History Museum & Nature Center, a place of discovery and exploration for all ages. Additionally, the Dolan DNA Learning Center educated students about the Gene Age through hands-on experiments with DNA, including its structure, sequencing and plant genetics; Brookhaven National Laboratory conducted exciting experiments; the Children’s Museum of the East End helped stimulate students’ imaginations by having them examine and create their own masterpieces. Activities from the DEC (reptiles and predator/prey) and Cornell Cooperative Extension showcased animal skulls, habitats live chickens and much more.

Students were able to pet live chickens from the Suffolk County Farm.

Organizations also presenting were the Long Island Rail Road, the Suffolk County Police Department, the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, the Riverhead Marine Life Foundation, the Holtsville Ecology Center and I Fish NY.

“Museum Day is always such an amazing experience for the students, as well as for the adults,” said Ms. Finne. “We work with all these wonderful volunteers from museums and organizations across Long Island who bring learning to life through incredible activities. Just watching the childrens’ faces light up when they are participating is quite remarkable.”

Dr. Fasciana agreed, “Museum Day is always very special for the students of William Floyd Elementary School. I am grateful to Ms. Finne for organizing and to all the presenters for allowing our students to experience hundreds of years of culture, science and art without having to leave their school."

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