
Third Annual Concert For Children's Hunger Awareness With Tom Chapin & Friends

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  23. September 2014

Westbury, NY - September 23, 2014 - More than 2,000 children from 14 Long Island schools will once again join Long Island Cares, Inc. and NBTY Helping Hands for our Third Annual Concert for Children's Hunger Awareness featuring Tom Chapin & Friends at the NYCB Theatre at Westbury on Tuesday, October 7, 2014.  

All of the children and their teachers have received a special lesson plan prepared by Tom Chapin addressing the issue of children's hunger and good nutrition. The children also received free t-shirts, and the music soundtrack for Tom Chapin's performance including the words to all of his songs. The 14 local schools are all collecting donations of kid friendly food that they will donate on October 7, 2014  to support The Harry Chapin Food Bank.

As a result of the continued generosity of our corporate partners at NBTY Helping Hands, this year's concert will be just as exciting as our first two. Long Island Cares, Inc. and our sponsors will provide stipends for transportation services, for the children and teachers to attend. The children will also receive fresh fruit and nutritious snacks after the show, courtesy of our corporate partners at Stop & Shop

For more information and tickets while they last please email Claire Fratello at cfratello@licares.org or call (631) 582-3663 x 102.

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