Weather Alert  

ELEVATED RISK FOR FIRE SPREAD THURSDAY The combination of low relative humidity values between 20 and 30 percent and wind gusts 20 to 25 mph will create an elevated risk for fire spread across the region on Thursday. Exercise caution handling any potential ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes, and matches. Any fires that ignite will have the potential to spread quickly. This forecast considers meteorological, fuel, and land conditions and has been developed in coordination with state fire and land management officials.

Sayville Ford Donates Car Parts to the William Floyd High School’s Automotive Program

The WFHS Automotive program provides students opportunities to learn advanced automotive theory and apply it to practical skills pertaining to the automobile repair industry.

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Pictured with the Sayville Ford donation (L to R) are company representatives Dimitri Kreatsoulas and Mikai Shorter, with WFHS Automotive teacher Charles Pimentel and Robert Felicetta, assistant principal, William Floyd High School, who oversees the CTE program.

Sayville Ford recently donated a pallet of new car parts for the students enrolled in William Floyd High School’s Automotive program, part of the district’s award-winning Career and Technical Education (CTE) offerings. This donation will provide students with the opportunity to work on various repairs enhancing their training in the field.
Sayville Ford has been and continues to be a great resource and partner for the district. In the spring, Sayville Ford welcomed students for a job-shadowing opportunity, as they worked with and learned from employees who performed tire rotations, oil changes and car inspections. They also learned about employment opportunities at Ford dealerships, toured the facility and met with representatives from various departments.
The William Floyd High School Automotive program, is a two-year program that provides students opportunities to learn advanced automotive theory and apply it to practical skills pertaining to the automobile repair industry. Classroom and automotive lab situations are used to teach the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation/Automotive Service Excellence-based curriculum. Topics covered include: shop safety, hand tool usage and fasteners, basic electrical, brakes, steering and suspension, manual transmission and driveline, engine performance, engine repair, HVAC, automatic transmission, automotive industry history, and automotive shop management. Many other shop-management and 21st century skills are covered. Students have the opportunity to learn in William Floyd’s state-of-the-art automotive facility and are working toward passing the industry assessment in order to receive this endorsement on diploma.
About the William Floyd High School CTE Program
The William Floyd High School CTE program is thriving and in full swing, offering eight CTE program academies in a variety of interest areas, as well as five CTE pathways in business and technology. Graduation pathways include Accounting, Architecture, Business Management, Engineering, and Microsoft Office Specialist. CTE academy offerings include Automotive, Barbering, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Home Design & Carpentry (with electrical and plumbing), Medical Assisting, Marine & Motorsports and Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist. William Floyd High School CTE is preparing students to be career and college ready and have the extra skills and know-how they can take with them throughout their lives.