
DEC Announces Change to Deer Bonus Permit Program for Noted Wildlife Management Areas

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  26. September 2013

Albany, NY - September 26th, 2013 - As a new management tool for deer population control, the State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will issue Bonus Deer Management Permits (DMPs) for antlerless-only this fall, a change from either-sex bonus permits of the past beginning Tuesday, October 1. In an effort to support deer population reduction, Bonus DMPs will be issued in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 1C (Suffolk County), 3 S (Westchester County), 4J (eastern Albany County) and 8C (central Monroe County).

Bonus DMPs are issued to increase hunter participation and antlerless deer harvest in areas with abundant deer. They are available to hunters who take an antlerless deer on a regular DMP or a Bonus DMP in one of the four units statewide. No fee is charged for a Bonus DMP. In addition, to streamline the issuance process for the hunter and make it more efficient, Bonus DMP applicants will no longer be required to present a deer head or carcass when applying for a Bonus permit.

"As deer numbers have grown in specific areas in the state, we need another tool to help reduce the population and changing our Bonus Permit program to concentrate on antlerless deer only is the next logical step," said DEC Assistant Commissioner for Natural Resources, Kathleen Moser. "If the change is successful in accomplishing its objective in these areas of the state, antlerless-only Bonus DMPs could expand in the future to additional units. Offering increasing numbers of traditional DMPs (doe permits) each year has not been effective in reducing deer numbers in many of our units, and an expansion of the Bonus Permit system in the future could be a partial solution, as it focuses on successful hunters."

To obtain a Bonus DMP, successful hunters must comply with the following application requirements:

Mail or Electronic Application
Hunters may send, or present in person, clear photocopies, photos, or scanned images of both sides of their completed DMPs or Bonus tags to the appropriate regional DEC office listed below. An original completed WMU DMP carcass tag may be submitted as proof of harvest; however, hunters are reminded that the actual carcass tag must remain affixed to the carcass until it is prepared for consumption (butchered). Although presentation of a deer head or carcass is not required this year for a Bonus DMP as in the past, properly tagged carcasses brought to the location below at the days and times listed will be eligible.

Bonus permits will be processed and sent within two business days. All applicants must include their name, mailing address, and phone number to receive Bonus permits by mail.

  • 1C (Suffolk County): NYS DEC Bureau of Wildlife, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790; Attention: 1C Bonus, or, send electronic images to r1wildlife@gw.dec.state.ny.us (put 1C Bonus in subject line).
  • 3S (Westchester County): NYS DEC Region 3 Headquarters, 21 South Putt Corners Road, New Paltz, NY 12561; Attention: 3S Bonus, or, send electronic images to R3Wwildlife@gw.dec.state.ny.us (put 3S Bonus in subject line).
  • 4J (eastern Albany County): NYS DEC Region 4 Office, 1130 North Westcott Road, Schenectady, NY 12306-2014; Attention: 4J Bonus, or send electronic images to r4wildlife@gw.dec.state.ny.us (put 4J Bonus in subject line).
  • 8C (central Monroe County): NYS DEC Bureau of Wildlife, 6274 E. Avon-Lima Rd., Avon, NY 14414; Attention: 8C Bonus, or, send electronic images to R8wildlife@gw.dec.state.ny.us (put 8C Bonus in subject line).

In Person Application
Hunters wishing to receive a Bonus DMP in person may bring an original or copy of their completed WMU carcass tag to the appropriate DEC Regional office beginning Oct. 1 (weekdays only). The list of DEC regional offices with corresponding dates and hours that Bonus DMP applications will be accepted in person can be found on DEC's website.

For more information about the Bonus DMP program, visit DEC's website. Hunters should consult the 2013-14 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide, available on DEC's website for further information on general hunting and trapping regulations.

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