
Mangano Observes National POW-MIA Recognition Day

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  28. September 2015

Nassau County, NY - September 25, 2015 - Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano (6th right) and elected officials from the County joined veterans and their families in paying respect to American Prisoners of War (POW) and those Missing in Action (MIA) on National POW-MIA Recognition Day.

“Freedom is not free – there is a price for freedom that our brave servicemen and women paid so that we could enjoy the freedoms that we do,” said County Executive Mangano. “On National POW-MIA Recognition Day, we remember those that are still Prisoners of War or Missing in Action. There will always be a place in Nassau County awaiting their return.”

After the lighting of a torch in remembrance of those who served our nation, County Executive Mangano invited the hundreds of veterans in attendance and their guests to stay for the Annual Nassau County Veterans Barbeque. County Executive Mangano thanks Winthrop University Hospital for sponsoring the Veterans Barbeque.


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